How To Register

  1. Create or log into your Active Account by clicking HERE

  2. Choose which weeks you’d like to register your camper for.

  3. Download the “Registration Packet” and “Youth Camp Health Record”. Read the Elevation Camp Handbook.

  4. Fill out all sections and forms.

  5. If you need Extended Care (7:00am-9:00am and/or 3:15pm-5:30pm) please email to reserve a spot. All extended care and merchandise sales will be completed in person with cash, check, or card.

  6. Submit all required forms completed and signed. Viola!

How can I return the completed forms?

  • Upload directly through your Active account

  • Email the forms to

  • Fax the forms to 203-793-7359

  • Drop off or Mail the forms at New Life Church

    • Sunday Services 9:00 AM & 10:45 AM

    • Church Office M-Th 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM

Registration is complete once all required forms are submitted.

Payment Options:

Pay in Full - You can pay full at the time of check out.

Payment Plan - You may choose of several payment plans on Active. The 10-payment plans start dates are in January, February, March, and April. The 9-payment plan starts in May. If you do not pay in full, you must select a payment plan. If you register in June or after, you will have to pay in full. Please ask your questions by emailing!

If all required forms (and properly labeled medication if applicable) are not submitted by the Wednesday before your child is scheduled to start camp, your child cannot start that Monday. If you are able to submit everything by Monday, your child may start that Tuesday.

Any previous balances on your account must be paid before you can register for the current summer.

Additional Forms

When Do I Need to Submit the Additional Medical Forms?

If your camper has medication that would need to be administered while in our care (9am-3pm) we will need the following submitted by the Wednesday before your camper is registered to attend.

  • Youth Camp Health Record that lists the medication (signed by doctor)

  • Authorization of Administration of Medication form (signed by parent and doctor)

  • Individual Plan of Care (signed by parent)

  • Medication in the original package/container with the prescription label on it

All details of the prescription and dosage must match or it can not be accepted.